i am so excited. i put a deposit down on a loom this week! it's really beautiful and the woman who owns it loves it, which means a lot to me. this is such an intense step. the first one i'm taking in my move towards being a for-real studio artist. i am terrified, and keep looking at job listings and thinking about going to beauty school or getting an online degree in library science. i have never seen myself as a full-time artist, so it feels really selfish and useless to embark on this journey. who am i helping with this? how am i bettering the world? shouldn't i be doing more? ugh - not a great way to start off, but these questions have plagued me since i started art school (hence the semester of chemistry and such in preparation for nursing school. terrible.) and let's not even get into my view on my talents and abilities. i look at other surface designer web sites and think of how i'm only capable of ripping someone else off. i have no original ideas. but then, how many original ideas are really out there? ssshhhhh, one step at a time. get the loom, make some sketches, weave some samples, and take it from there. i'm not reinventing the art world. i just want to weave and screenprint. if nothing else, i can just make cool stuff for my house on my days off from my real job and spend less money at target buying the same crap i can make better.
anyhoo - the loom lives in Memphis right now, which means a road trip to Graceland is in the works on our way to pick it up - what a bonus! and you bet your ass i'm getting a peanut butter, banana & bacon sandwich while i'm there!

ain't she a beaut?
CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!! This is a big day and beginning of a very successful career as a studio artist. Don't ever worry about the validity of what you are doing, you are so talented and amazing. Love you.
dude, i hadn't read your blog in a while, bt the whole semester of chemistry thing and online library degree - totally with you. i made my decision to stay in art, but i still think about jumping ship every other day. plus i found a program in austin that gets you a masters in information science and certification to be a conservator at the same time. yeep. but i am trying to keep focusing on this art stuff. i mean, so many people are doing well on etsy, maybe there's room for us too :) i'm so jealous you have a loom and a place to keep it - one day i hope i can do that too.
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