the concept behind our table was having everything made by local artists, rather than using high-end new and antique stuff (which is what almost everyone else did.) i, along with my friend in textiles, Ms. Rachel Pepper, made the table linens. here's a photo from the local paper - not a great detail shot, but it gives you an idea of how our booth looked. it's funny that just to the left of the shot is a painting of a nude woman made entirely out of glitter (so amazing) that they were so careful to avoid showing.

we are supposed to get some professional shots from the museum, so i'll post more once i get them. i tried to take my own photos with my new and hardly used camera, but was told 'for my own protection' that ALL photography was banned from the gallery to prevent people taking pictures of what they liked and having someone else replicate it.
as a side note, hardly anyone at this show sold anything to the public (even the fancy-pantsed professionals), but the owners of Mercury are buying our entire linens set, having us make more napkins, and possibly make covers for their dining room chairs. i think the purchase price will just cover the expense of making the pieces, but for my first sale it's not too bad!
That is so awesome! congrats. Please post detailed pics when you get a chance. sorry I missed you guys this past weekend.
thanks, Ben! I'm glad to hear your dad is doing well. We'll have to get together and do a double-birthday do-over party for you & Rob!
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