Monday, April 23

such a sucker

I saw this in the supermarket and couldn't keep myself from trying it. I know, I know... but I can't help myself. All those pretty colors on the label sucked me in. You should see me in the toothpaste aisle - if the box is shiny, then fuggetaboutit!


Anonymous said...

The only reason I didn't buy it was cause of the caffeine!!! You are your mother's daughter.. If it's new and shiny...gotta have it.

Love ya
Me (your mom)

Anonymous said...

i drank a gigantic cream soda the other day and burped all the way home, happy as a clam. i haven't seen the rainbow coke yet, what's it all about?

Melissa said...

the rainbow coke is "healthy" for you because it has vitamins in it. the sorority girls are chugging it down

Z said...

I've tried the Diet Coke Plus, too. But it does not taste as good as the original. I'll get my vitamins the "old fashioned way" - from a pill! Hee hee.