I've tried a bunch of times to make a detailed list of all the things I'm thankful for, but it's just too much. I can't do it. I got #1 down - family and friends. That's a given. They are all amazing people who have had a direct effect on who I am today. Even the ones who think they couldn't have possibly...yes, them to. Absolutely. But after that, it all breaks down into a jumbly mess. I'm thankful that I have work, that I get to go to college and develop a talent and love that I have, that I can afford a car to drive and food to eat, that sweet potatoes exist, that my dog Greta is so funny and dang cute, that birds can make me feel choked up, that Fall smells the way it does, that jumping into a pool will always feel as good as it does, that jokes will always be funny and I will always love laughing at them. There a million and ten things that I am thankful for. I'll do my best to keep them in mind tomorrow during dinner while I'm eating as many crescent rolls as I possibly can, and thanking Jesus for the Pillsbury Dough Boy while I do so.
Have a great holiday everybody. I'll be thinking of you.
1 comment:
Happy Thanksgiving (a little late)! Hope to see you guys soon!
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