We're cleaning out the old house tonight and tomorrow in preparation for a walk-through on sunday. I can't wait to be done with this move. It's tiring having something hang over your head like this, and being in moving mode for two weeks is far too long. We tried to go clean some last night, but there was a guy asleep on the platform bed that rob and I were going to disassemble. Hmm. He's from New Orleans, though, so we decided to let him sleep. They've been through so much already, and now we want to deprive these refugees of their nap?! I think not. So we went home and watched the original Fog with Buckshot and Ms. Foxy instead. I love having the Barner-Fox's living right down the hall from us. It's so damn comforting, even if I don't see them for an entire week. I like knowing that they're there, and that I can walk down there in my jammie pants with a glass of wine to watch some tv and relax.
On top of sweeping, mopping, and general disguising of cosmetic boo-boo's in that albatross of a house, we're also heading out to IKEA to buy a bed (goodbye floor - you suck) and then on to somewhere in atlanta (it all looks the same to me, so I never know where I am or where I'm going) to hang with Mr. and Mrs. Robinson and Co! I am so excited to leave town and do something completely unrelated to school or moving or cleaning. It's midterm, and I deserve it dammit. I'm fully looking forward to Alison's CandiCornTini's, being that I love both candy corn and martini's. She doubts we'll be able to drink more than one, and I'm looking forward to proving her wrong. I also hope that some ATL kids will trek out to see us, being that I haven't seen them since RibFest at Tone-Dog's. That includes the BabyMama's - I need to smell me some baby. Oh man, baby smell mixed with candy corn drizzled in vodka - does it get any better than that?
As a side note to those of you who care - I finished my 900 square inch tapestry yesterday and took it off the loom. Booya! Still have a lot of finishing to do, but it's off that infernal machine. Sunday afternoon I dye wool in preparation for the next project (ikat weaving), which actually might be good enough to hang. Sorry no pics, but the camera is still broker than broke.
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