We're having a little break from school today and tomorrow, so that certain individuals who live here in A-Town and are particularly interested in a certain fall sport can travel to Florida to drink heavily and watch said sport occur. Pathetic? Yes. But it's nice and quiet here, so I'm not complaining.
I've been completely engrossed by AMC's MonsterFest - a week long movie festival where all they play is horror movies day and night (on a rotation, so there is some repetition). I love it. I wake up wanting to put it on, and think about what I may be missing while I'm away. Oh Tivo, where are you when I need you? Rob got annoyed with it last night after the 3rd Halloween came on, and made me go and rent a regular movie. I'd never seen Halloween Resurrection, so I was annoyed, but the Stewie movie was mostly worth it. I'm not certain why it costs $30 to buy it, other than their capitalizing on the dumb frat boys who will drop that kind of money for a cartoon movie.
While out renting said movie, we also stopped off at our local boozery for some whiskey and beer, and got a tasty pumpkin ale that I could drink way too much of this fall. It wasn't too candy, spicy, thick-y like previous incarnations of it - it was surprisingly light and tasty. No funky after-taste, and no overwhelming potpourri belly aches afterwards. Now if only I could remember the name, you could all run out and try it yourselves. Well, have a hot toddy instead. We had the traditional lemon, whiskey and honey variety with the Barner-Foxes the other night, which was delicious, and supposedly cured Jana's sore throat she'd had for a week. Last night we did an apple cider version, which was pretty sweet (obviously) but good. The cider and cinnamon stick really brought out the caramel flavor of the whiskey...mmmm, talking about it makes me think an afternoon toddy whilst cleaning and such may be in order. Rob may be taking the bus home from school today!
Our apartment complex offers wireless internet, which is awesome. I found out last night that the entire wireless setup (which lived in a small shed right next to/attached to the building) has been stolen, which is not awesome. So not only is the camera dead, but the internet is as well. Of course, there have been gobs of things I've been dying to do on the computer whilst watching horror movies and drinking hot beverages, only because I can't. Normally I can't be bothered with the silly thing. Dagnabbit. Hopefully they'll replace everything soon, but I'm not holding my breath.
Rob's birthday is November 4th, which is a friday. I think the Evil Lord Martron is coming down for the festivities - anyone else interested? No plans yet, but if it's anything like my birthday this summer, it'll be worth it.
Thursday, October 27
Tuesday, October 18
a banjo does not a lullaby make
Yesterday was so awesome that I need to share it with you. It started out normal enough, with classes and work and all that hooey. The day moved quickly and soon it was time for my 2 1/2 hour voyage into the world of gynocology. No details necessary - those of you who know, know. After my loveless date, I met up with Rob and we went home for a quick run before dinner. On the back half of the run, we encountered a running police car parked in a driveway. "Hmm, that's weird. Cops always leave their cars running when they're responding to a call, so I doubt he lives there. I wonder what's going....OH MY GOD!" Two dogs, one bigger than the other, come flying out of the bushes of the house next door and right for us. I start yelling NO! at them while I'm running in circles trying to keep Greta out of reach of their teeth (which they are baring). I end up in the middle of the street somehow, still yelling and going round and round while the big dog tries to bite us. Rob realizes what's going on and quickly gets between the scary dog and Greta and I. I'm still yelling, Rob's offering the dog his forearm to keep him from biting anything precious like his face or his wife, and out comes the cop from the other yard. He calmly walks up and sprays some pepper spray near the dogs and they both take off back into the bushes. He said he was responding to a call of someone else getting chased by them (thanks to Billy Barty for that - what a noble citizen), and had lost sight of them when they found us. We thanked him for being there and took off running like maniacs. Greta was skittish and freaked (at one point at the end, she got out of her collar and went running in a panic straight towards where the dogs had gone), and both Rob and I were suddenly not as tired from our run as we had been about 3 minutes beforehand. Adreneline is some crazy powerful stuff. Thank goodness we all escaped without even the tiniest nibble taken out of us. Both Rob and I were preparing to get bitten, which is such a crazy thing. I was offering the dog my butt, being the meatiest part of me, Rob was giving him his arm in protection of his Business, and we were both just waiting for the dog to latch on. Weird. After a calming night of showers, dinner and homework we headed to bed around 11. I had just started to drop off when I start hearing this music. "where is that coming from? what the hell IS that?" As I start to wake up more, I realize that it's our downstairs neighbor Shank (no joke, this is what he introduced himself as) playing his BANJO and SINGING in the room directly under our bed. The maniac decided to have his special banjo practice time at 11:45 at night. I kept trying to ignore it, calm down my rage, and go back to sleep. Have you ever heard a banjo roll before? That shit is loud. And he wasn't just playing - he was practicing, so he would keep repeating the same little ditty part over and over and over, trying new variations and harmonizing with it at the same time. Oh kill me now. Suddenly, the banjo goes quiet. Oh thank god, he's tuckered himself out. No, wait.What's that base-y noise? Oh, it's his acoustic guitar. How penetratingly loud of him. Giving up on sleeping in the bed, I got Rob to put in some earplugs and went out to sleep on the couch. I'm sure you're asking yourself at this point "why haven't you pounded on the floor or his door or his head yet?" Well, at this point we were trying to wait him out, because 1.) We were too tired, and couldn't deal with getting up, getting dressed and going down there, and 2.) There's nothing more hateful than confrontation with stupid hippies who have made-up names. Regardless of all that, within seconds of my lieing down (and realizing that I could still hear him in the living room because the whole apartment floor was vibrating), Rob came out pulling on clothes to go and tell him to jam it somewhere else. By this time, it was after 1. We climbed back into bed and eventually fell back to sleep, where we slept off our crazy day in the luxurious five hours we had until the alarm went off. Ahhhhhh. Needless to say, I skipped my class and we made use of the snooze button a lot this morning. Stupid hippies.
Friday, October 14

We're cleaning out the old house tonight and tomorrow in preparation for a walk-through on sunday. I can't wait to be done with this move. It's tiring having something hang over your head like this, and being in moving mode for two weeks is far too long. We tried to go clean some last night, but there was a guy asleep on the platform bed that rob and I were going to disassemble. Hmm. He's from New Orleans, though, so we decided to let him sleep. They've been through so much already, and now we want to deprive these refugees of their nap?! I think not. So we went home and watched the original Fog with Buckshot and Ms. Foxy instead. I love having the Barner-Fox's living right down the hall from us. It's so damn comforting, even if I don't see them for an entire week. I like knowing that they're there, and that I can walk down there in my jammie pants with a glass of wine to watch some tv and relax.
On top of sweeping, mopping, and general disguising of cosmetic boo-boo's in that albatross of a house, we're also heading out to IKEA to buy a bed (goodbye floor - you suck) and then on to somewhere in atlanta (it all looks the same to me, so I never know where I am or where I'm going) to hang with Mr. and Mrs. Robinson and Co! I am so excited to leave town and do something completely unrelated to school or moving or cleaning. It's midterm, and I deserve it dammit. I'm fully looking forward to Alison's CandiCornTini's, being that I love both candy corn and martini's. She doubts we'll be able to drink more than one, and I'm looking forward to proving her wrong. I also hope that some ATL kids will trek out to see us, being that I haven't seen them since RibFest at Tone-Dog's. That includes the BabyMama's - I need to smell me some baby. Oh man, baby smell mixed with candy corn drizzled in vodka - does it get any better than that?
As a side note to those of you who care - I finished my 900 square inch tapestry yesterday and took it off the loom. Booya! Still have a lot of finishing to do, but it's off that infernal machine. Sunday afternoon I dye wool in preparation for the next project (ikat weaving), which actually might be good enough to hang. Sorry no pics, but the camera is still broker than broke.
Wednesday, October 12
I woke up today knowing I should just roll over and go back to sleep - just call today a wash and try again tomorrow. I knew this, and yet here I am, out and about still holding onto the weird, slightly sad feeling in the pit of my stomach that I started the day with. A girl in weaving this morning told me something sweet her mom said to her, and I got all teary eyed. I think everyone thought my eyes were watering because I was laughing, but I was laughing at how ridiculous it was that I was crying. Do you see why I should have stayed home today? Can you see how confusing this day is going to be? Maybe a skipped afternoon class and a pumpkin latte from Starbucks will ease my woes a little. Definitely a run tonight. That always makes me feel better, no matter how much I complain before and during. It's amazing to me that knowing the benefit of something is NEVER enough of a boost to get me to do it. Everything's always got to be so goddamned complicated.
Friday, October 7

Monday, October 3
oh dear....
I just want to 'thank' Billy Barty for that 'humorous' little guest entry below, even though it absolutely belongs in the "Too Much Information" category. What he thinks of my husband's tic tac is between the two of them, and I'd like to be left out of it. I guess that's what I get for asking someone to pick up my blogging slack while we're in flux. yikes.
Oh, and because of the great little pic that BB plucked off the interworldbot, I'm also getting fun spam comments. Totally awesome! So now you all get to play the little game before you post from now on. Again, I can only blame myself.
I'll hit you with warm fuzzies soon. Sorry if you thought I suddenly went insane.
Oh, and because of the great little pic that BB plucked off the interworldbot, I'm also getting fun spam comments. Totally awesome! So now you all get to play the little game before you post from now on. Again, I can only blame myself.
I'll hit you with warm fuzzies soon. Sorry if you thought I suddenly went insane.
Saturday, October 1

in the midst of a passionate session of lovemaking with my casual sex partner andrew, i came to the conclusion that size does matter. who are we kidding, girls? must we continue to flatter and, therefore, lie to our beaus about the importance of the girth, diameter, length, and tilt of that most memorable of members? i am ready to cease the charade that i have allowed myself to perpetuate with my partner rob. i will no longer allow him to believe that his 3 inch erect penis is enough to satisfy this raging lust which burns within me. i will be direct in my honesty and lay him aside when it comes to matters of the flesh. to those of you who might find fault with my decision, i implore you to consider this: what would you do with something that looks like a peppermint-flavored tic-tac resting atop two dusty mothballs?
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