I came across this great website on a list-serve I'm on - knittingforthedisplaced.com. It's a woman from Pennsylvania who came up with this idea of knitting wearables for the Katrina folks who've been dumped up North and don't have any idea what to expect from a real winter. I figured, hey this would be an easy way to help out with all this craziness, and it's small enough to jam in my bag and have with me at school. win-win! so get out your cute scrap yarns and knit up some hats and scarves for these people! they're gonna freeze their butts off! her site lists details on how to get her the stuff, what she does with it once she gets it, some sample patterns for ideas, and updates on how the project's going. check it out!
Have Carolyn on the job and have pulled out my box of yarn and am knitting simple scarfs and am going to try my hand at a hat or two or three...
About your great hair day...I am so excited for you and you will experience more as life goes on but you will never know why or how you got there. I, on the other hand, am waiting for a day, sometime soon, that I don't look like a really bad 80's day in motion. Maybe tomorrow.
Love ya your Myommy
Mommy, I am with you on the 80's bullshit today! Could I look any more stupid? I don't think so, not even if I tried REALLY hard!
About the hair, If I buy one more hair care product this month I am going to kill myself. When will I just accept my hair is frizzy and there is no ideal, perfect product to give me luxurious curls. The only answer is to hire someone to "do" my hair daily and get up at one in the morning to start hair preparation and have him/her arrive at work every hour on the hour to re-coif!! Cut it off is the answer or grow it long and pile it on top of your head. I am in the decision mode as we speak!!!!!!! NO.. all we really need is to dehumidify the world. Let's get started on an invention. Maybe we can work it in with the "Febreeze" program??
don't forget we're still working on the 'full length mirror in every home' project...perhaps this is something we need to get Oprah involved in. She seems like the perfect person to launch our good smelling, perfectly coiffed, this is what I look like today from the back crusade. It's all so important, I think we might need celebrity sponsorship to get the word out!
and hair products - don't get me started! i'm scared to look under the sink in preparation for packing the bathroom. all that money wasted and swished down the drain! and still with the frizz! aaahhhh!!
i forgot to tell you how excited I am that you're knitting - what a good mommy you are! now I need to get on this bandwagon and make some stuff myself! i certainly cannot have any credibility as an organizer if i don't participate myself. sheesh.
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