Wednesday, February 23


Damn this week is creeping by. I guess it's better than waking up and realizing it's friday already - those weeks scare the hell out of me. This slow-bee-doh-bee-doh crap is hardest in this ding dang office, though. Why oh why do I always end up with jobs that I have to pretend to work because there's nothing for me to do?? I know, you're all fuming at me from behind your piles of work right now, and I'm sorry. But gimme a break! I can't tell if it's because my choices are limited from my lack of a degree, or because I have never been very "into" my work. I'm not lazy or anything, I just haven't found any jobs that have been very interesting. At least not in the long run. I try like hell to keep in mind that this is a means to an end, I am in school and THAT is my full-time lovin' it job. It's not easy though. The only true solace I have is that I can finally, after a million years of this, see a tiny little blip of light at the end of the tunnel. And it is amazing. What I'm going to do once I get there - don't have a clue. But I will be formally trained in something that I love to do, and that's alright by me. Of course this all hinges on whether or not I get accepted into the stupid ass art school. You'll hear more about that in a couple weeks while I'm working on my portfolio.

I still can't help but wonder though, do you ever LOVE your job? Is it possible to get to a place that you love to work? Because even if your job is to do the thing you normally do as a reward to yourself for working (music, knitting, doing the hula), it eventually turns from a reward into work. Then what? You need to find a new reward to reward you for working on your former reward? Ack. So tell me kids, who loves or even LIKES what they do? And what motivates you?


Anonymous said...

I love my job. My job is awesome. Seriously, I can't even begin to describe the waves of elation that wash over me, scooping me out of bed, every morning when my alarm goes off.

My boss reads my blog.

Anonymous said...

It's ironic your blog says this, because just tonight Ben and I were saying how much we loved our jobs. Hell, I worked in retail management hell for 8 years before having the luck to land a job I love. After years of complaining, Ben asked me "what do you love? Find a job in that field." My answer was "candy and cats" so I got a job as a veterinary assistant at a feline-only clinic.

Yeah, I literally took a 50% cut in pay, but it's worth it to enjoy my job and work less hours.

Now if only I could find a part-time job in a candy store . . .