did i tell you i'm tired? i'm tired. i never thought i would be one of those people who wished for just a couple more hours in the day, but here i am, wishing for just that. it's amazing how fast 6 am become 8 pm - where the hell does the stupid time go? i woke up this morning and it felt like i had just gone to bed. and the dreams! i have been having the craziest dreams, and keep getting woken up in the middle of them from the alarm, which is slightly startling. one second i'm dealing with lemur/monkey things with roller skates for feet, and the next i'm sitting up in bed bewildered and confused that's it's morning already.
last night, for kicks, rob and i went to the space center to run. for those of you not from this world (Athens GA), the space center is the big exercising complex at the university with all the weight rooms, pools, and crap like that. they have this inside track that's all squishy and flat and air conditioned, and with the heat lately we thought we'd give it a try and let mr. heat stroke have the night off. it was the craziest thing i've done in a long time. it was like swimming, driving, and going to the bar all at once. some people were whipping around the track like someone was chasing them brandishing knives, some were walking slow listening to ipods AND talking to a buddy, and some were weaving and bobbing around all these crazies just trying to keep pace and not get knocked over. i kept getting caught up in these groups of people and then get spit out further on down the way, it was like riptides for cripes sake. it was pretty fun, though and we'll probably start going there a little more until this heat breaks.
as you all know, school started last week. this semester's going to be a healthy challenge for me - weaving on floor looms, which are large-ish machines with wheels, pulleys, hooks, eyes, pedals, cranks - the works. i've been working on it for 2 classes straight and don't have it ready to go yet. i will be patient though, and respect this process of preparing to work. grr. this term we're focusing more on texture and pattern than on imagery, so i'm pretty psyched to see where it goes. i'm so much more attracted to tactile things, so learning to make bobs, bumps, and tufts is pretty exciting to me. i'm also taking a contemporary art history class with a woman who is brilliant. she speaks at a level that so exceeds mine that rarely do i understand more than 2 sentences of hers at a time without having to stop and think about it. unfortunately for me, she doesn't stop spewing these little gems to let me catch up, so i'm also only hearing about every 4 sentence. better hurry up and adapt, or i'm going to be sucking mud quickly. lastly i'm taking a textile class, which takes what i'm learning in fiber arts and pulls back from it to focus more on the chemical/physical makeup of the fibers themselves. it's going to be tough, mostly being that it's science-based, and i swore i was done with that crap. but i really think it'll benefit me in the long run, career-wise, if i've had exposure to this side of it. plus i get to have a class with about 35 19-year olds with dreams of being fashion and interiors designers. yippee.
i've got some pictures of shoes, purses, palm trees and other crap that i haven't shown you yet, and i honestly can't make any promises that i will. i guess that way it will be a surprise.
speaking of that, will someone please post photos from the baybay shower this past sunday?! i want to know what i missed out on doing homework.